Let’s hear what the World’s Highest Court has to say about Climate Change

World’s Youth for Climate Justice is a global campaign to take climate change and human rights to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to seek an Advisory Opinion.

It seeks to clarify the obligations of states to protect the rights of current and future generations from the adverse effects of climate change.


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Join the WYCJ Campaign

With the ICJ advisory opinion advancing, we as WYCJ are always happy to welcome more people to join our movement and make sure everyone can contribute to the best of their abilities.

ICJ Advisory Opinion public hearings kick off on 2 December

The International Court of Justice announced that the public hearings for the climate change advisory opinion will begin on 2 December 2024.

The press release also highlighted that 62 countries and organizations submitted written comments by the 15 August deadline. These comments were a crucial opportunity to respond to the written statements submitted by other States and organizations by 22 March. We're pleased to see so many taking the chance to share their views with the Court, using resources like the Youth Climate Justice Handbook.

Stay updated on the ICJ hearings and the related activities we have planned before and during the sessions!

Sign-on statement to support the development of the ASEAN Peoples Declaration on Environmental Rights

Show your support for the development of an ASEAN Peoples Declaration on Environmental Rights! A draft declaration will be submitted to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) for consideration and deliberation.

The draft declaration aims to embody principles and provisions that respond to the environmental and human rights challenges in the ASEAN. It intends to have a participatory and inclusive process, ensuring that marginalized and vulnerable groups have meaningful involvement and geographical representation of all ASEAN countries.

Final UN draft resolution released for adoption

12-Hour Global Climate Justice Conference

Navigating the Climate Emergency: The Role of International Courts and Advisory Opinions

On 22 July 2024, the Climate Clock ticked below 5 years. To mark this moment, Centre for Climate Justice - Bangladesh (CCJ-B), Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), Environmental Lawyers Collective for Africa, La Ruta Del Clima, Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change, and World’s Youth for Climate Justice organized a Global Climate Justice Conference.

The event recognized the ongoing efforts to obtain Advisory Opinions before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR), and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS).

The conference consisted of six main sessions, with one session dedicated to each of the following regions: the Pacific, South & Southeast Asia, Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, and Latin America. The event will unfold within a 12-hour timeframe.

Final UN draft resolution released for adoption

History written as UN General Assembly adopts resolution by consensus requesting ICJ advisory opinion on climate change spurred by youth

On 29th March 2023, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the resolution to request an advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice on climate change and human rights. Under the leadership of Vanuatu, the resolution was co-sponsored by over 130 countries.

Adopted by consensus, it is the first time in the history of the Court that an advisory opinion is requested with unanimous support, showing the global significance of this climate justice initiative that was started by Pacific Island Students Fighting Climate Change (PISFCC) and joined by young people around the world.

WYCJ and PISFCC joint press release available in English, French, and Spanish .

Youth Climate Justice Handbook

The Youth Climate Justice Handbook presents the best and most progressive legal arguments on climate justice, responding specifically to the questions the UN General Assembly is requesting the International Court of Justice to answer. Consisting of three parts, the handbook also contains procedural and other relevant information that is a need-to-know for every State preparing for interaction with the Court, and a key resource for legal advocacy.

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    French (official translation)

Power of the People

The Power of the People is a short explainer animation on the ongoing campaign to seek an Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The animation was heavily inspired by the stark reality of the adverse effects of Climate Change on the basic Human Rights of children and youth from the Pacific Islands and other climate vulnerable countries.

Friends of the Initiative

Our campaign has gained widespread civil society support. Organizations can show their support by becoming a Friend of the Initiative.

Christiana Figueres

Christiana Figueres is the former Executive Secretary, UN Convention on Climate Change and Co-host of the podcast Outrage and Optimism.

Mary Robinson

Mary Robinson is the Chair of The Elders, former President of Ireland and the former UN High Commissioner on Human Rights

"I absolutely support an ICJ Advisory Opinion and I hope it will raise awareness on climate justice.”

“I would invite those who are involved in the AO to take a very broad view of the injustices that need a climate justice approach.”

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