The ICJ Advisory Opinion

Find out who, how and when can participate in the advisory proceedings before the ICJ

ICJ Advisory Opinion public hearings kick off on 2 December

The International Court of Justice announced that the public hearings for the climate change advisory opinion will begin on 2 December 2024.

The press release also highlighted that 62 countries and organizations submitted written comments by the 15 August deadline. These comments were a crucial opportunity to respond to the written statements submitted by other States and organizations by 22 March. We're pleased to see so many taking the chance to share their views with the Court, using resources like the Youth Climate Justice Handbook.

Stay updated on the ICJ hearings and the related activities we have planned before and during the sessions!

Major Milestone in Historic Climate Change Advisory Opinion

On 22nd March 2024, over 80 States and UN-authorised IOs submitted their written submissions that will shape the Advisory Opinion by the International Court of Justice on climate change and human rights.

Read our press release here:


Dive into the Advisory Opinion Procedure followed by the ICJ with this explanatory note.

The timeline as set by the Registrar of the ICJ (ICJ Order) is as follows:

29th March 2023

Resolution adopted by consensus by UNGA

22nd March 2024

Deadline for states and admitted IOs to make written submissions

15th August 2024

Deadline for states and admitted IOs to respond to written submissions

2 December 2024

Start oral proceedings

Admitted organisations to participate in the ICJ AO

The ICJ admitted the following international organisations to participate in the ICJ Advisory Opinion on climate change:

  • International Union for Conversation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) admitted on 14th June 2023, ICJ press release.

  • Commission of Small Islands States on Climate Change and International Law (COSIS) admitted on 22nd June 2023, ICJ press release.

  • European Union (EU) admitted on 23rd June 2023, ICJ press release.

  • African Union (AU) admitted on 18th July 2023, ICJ press release.

  • Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) admitted on 1st September 2023, ICJ press release.

  • Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) admitted on 20th September 2023, ICJ press release.

  • Melanesian Spearhead Group admitted on 20th September 2023, ICJ press release.

  • Forum Fisheries Agency admitted on 20th September 2023, ICJ press release.

  • Pacific Community admitted on 24th November 2023, ICJ press release.

  • Pacific Island Forum (PIF) and Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) admitted on 20th December 2023, ICJ press release.

  • Parties to the Nauru Agreement admitted on 4th March 2024, ICJ press release.

Public information provided by the Republic of Vanuatu

  • Vanuatu’s ICJ website

  • The Government of the Republic of Vanuatu, and its partners, have offered and mobilised technical and financial resources to vulnerable countries to be able to engage effectively in the advisory opinion proceedings. General and Media inquiries:

  • Vanuatu’s briefing on the ICJ process available here.

On 29th March 2023, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the historic resolution to request an advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice on climate change and human rights. Under the leadership of Vanuatu, the resolution was co-sponsored by over 130 countries.

Adopted by consensus, it is the first time in the history of the Court that an advisory opinion is requested with unanimous support, showing the global significance of this climate justice initiative that was started by Pacific Island Students Fighting Climate Change (PISFCC) and joined by young people around the world through World’s Youth for Climate Justice.

Watch the adoption of the landmark climate justice resolution by the United Nations

H.E. Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary General

“Those who have contributed the least are already experiencing climate hell… For some countries climate change is a death sentence, and indeed it is by the initiative of those countries, joined by so many others and by the efforts of young people from all across the world that brings us together today. And together you are making history.”

H.E. Jeem Lippwe, Permanent Representative of Federated States of Micronesia to the UN

“Climate Justice and intergenerational equity, need for urgent and ambitious action to counter existential threat of climate change, including limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees… This resolution was born from Pacific youth who called upon our leaders to use international law as a tool to further highlight the need to take action. I would also like to recognize the World’s Youth for Climate Justice for their passion and for bringing this important issue to their own countries.”