Legal Advocacy Taskforce

Introducing the Taskforce

WYCJ’s Legal Advocacy Taskforce uses the power of the law to transform and develop the interplay of human rights in face of the climate and environmental crises with a view to achieving climate justice.

The Taskforce seeks to create a cutting-edge space for legal inquiry and dialogue, where young legal professionals are able to meaningfully contribute to the legal literature centering climate change and human rights, all the while growing their skills and getting a first glimpse into international practice. Composed of young legal minds all over the world, the Taskforce undertakes relevant in-depth legal research to understand and address some of the major roadblocks facing the protection of the environment and human rights from a legal perspective.

Through legal research and advocacy,  the Taskforce is dedicated to producing outputs aimed at advocating for innovative and progressive legal arguments in the pursuit of climate justice. 

The Taskforce engages with the international legal system on numerous fronts, including the advisory proceedings on climate change before the International Court of Justice, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, amongst others.

CIEL and ClientEarth with the support of PISFCC and WYCJ publish key takeaways from the ITLOS Advisory Opinion

The key takeaways are to be taken into consideration in the ongoing advisory proceedings before the International Court of Justice.

Last month, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) issued its landmark Advisory Opinion (AO) on the protection of the marine environment from pollution caused by climate change. The Opinion is a groundbreaking first in international law — clarifying the legal obligations of States to address climate change as a crisis at the intersection of two critical global commons: the ocean and the atmosphere. ITLOS clearly stated that greenhouse gas emissions pollute the marine environment and States must take all necessary measures to prevent, reduce, and control them.

This opinion is the first of three international advisory opinion processes on States’ responsibilities to confront the climate crisis. This opinion sets the floor — not the ceiling — for future decisions on climate and international legal duties; as the first advisory opinion, the ITLOS Opinion has the potential to shape the forthcoming ones as well.

In light of the above, today, together with the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), ClientEarth, and the Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change (PISFCC) we published key takeaways from the ITLOS AO, which could - and should - be taken into consideration in the climate advisory proceeding before the International Court of Justice.

Meet the Team

“There are millions of people all around the world who are already suffering from the impacts of climate change. Denying this fact could be interpreted by some to be a crime against humanity."

— Ian Fry, Tuvalu representative for the COP25 climate change talks.

Join the fight!

If you are a young lawyer, a stubborn optimist seeking to join the fight for climate justice, and have experience in international law, human rights, and/or environmental law: we need you!

Join us, and use the power of the law to create a bright future!


Our resources are under constant development to make them more effective, more accessible and more comprehensive. The documents on this page may therefore not always represent the latest scholarly developments on the initiative. Please reach out if you have any further questions via

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The two photographs on which WYCJ campaigners are speaking in front of the IACtHR are still frames of the video “Public Hearing of the Advisory Opinion on Climate Emergency and Human Rights. Day 3-Part 1" by Corte Interamericana de Derechos Americanos, used under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit this page.