Geneva Dialogues 2024

The 2024 Geneva Dialogues on Human Rights and Climate Change build on previous editions to  discuss how states and Geneva-based human rights institutions can contribute to further advancing human  rights-based climate action. Topics of discussion this year included States’ obligations to tackle  climate impacts; mechanisms and approaches to address ongoing loss and damage; meaningful  protection of environmental defenders in the context of climate conferences; and ongoing advisory  opinion processes before international and regional courts. 

Panelists and participants explored how Geneva-based human rights mechanisms can inform the ongoing advisory opinions  before international courts and tribunals, and how these mechanisms can build on the outcomes of  such processes. The newly appointed Special Rapporteur on human rights and climate change Elisa  Morgera was present during the event. 

The organizers have acknowledged the catalyzing and driving role of youth campaigners in making advisory opinion processes a reality. Nicole Ponce, on behalf of WYCJ, was asked to reflect on key arguments that might need specific attention, as well as on expectations for these processes, and to address states and human rights institutions in Geneva at this pivotal moment. Nicole emphasized that this comments period is a crucial opportunity to strengthen progressive arguments and counter restrictive ones that may not align with a climate justice approach. It is essential for states, particularly those most affected by the climate emergency, to fully engage in this period after submitting their initial submissions by the March deadline, and to address the second question on legal consequences.

“Truly honored to contribute to the 2024 Geneva Dialogues on Human Rights and Climate Change at the United Nations Office in Geneva (UNOG). It was definitely a highlight to sit on the same panel as H.E. Amb. Carlos Sorreta, the Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the UNOG. Our panel was joined by H.E. Amb. Sumbue Antas, Permanent Representative of Vanuatu; H.E. Amb. Gustavo Gallón, Permanent Representative of Colombia; Patricia Galvao Teles, the Legal Counsel of Portugal; and Prof. Elisa Morgera, the newly appointed Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Climate Change.” - Nicole Ponce

The event was organized by the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), and moderated by CIEL’s Francesca Mingrone, Earthjustice, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, United Nations Human Rights and the Geneva Environment Network with the support of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. 

Rewatch the session and find highlights of the event ▶

Luc Dockendorf Ira Gibson Elisa Morgera Benjamin Schachter Nahla Haidar Yves Lador H.E. Amb. Sumbue Antas H.E. Amb. Carlos Sorreta H.E. Amb. Gustavo Gallón Patricia Galvao Teles Hajer Gueldich Nicole Ann Ponce Francesca Mingrone


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